Multi Factor Authentication

This page is built to teach you about common issues Howard University users encounter while setting up their MFA. 

If you are setting up MFA for the first time or had your MFA reset by the helpdesk, please follow this set of instructions. 

Attempt to Sign In

  1. Go to . Sign in with your Howard credentials and you will get to a page that says "More Information Required". Please click next
  2. Once you click next you will get to a screen that says, "Keep your account secure". Please install the Microsoft Authenticator application on your phone and once the install is done, please click next on this window. 

Once App is Installed

  1. Open the Microsoft Authenticator application on your phone and allow camera access.
  2. Select 'Add account' -> 'Work or school account'
  3. Scan the QR code from your computer screen. If the QR code says that it is timed out, please restart the process in "Attempt to Sign In" above with your phone application ready.
  4. Complete setup by following the in-app instructions, which may include a test notification.

Using the Application

  1. Approve sign-in notifications or generate verification codes for secure account access.
  2. You can use to edit your MFA preferences once you have it set up

If You Have Switched Your Phone (Same Number)

  1. If you have the same phone number, please go to and remove the Microsoft Authenticator from your profile. 
  2. You can now follow the steps starting from "Attempt to Sign In" in order to add your profile to the phone that you are currently using.

If You Have Switched Your Phone (New Number)

  1. Please send an email to the help desk at asking for your MFA to be reset.