A portal that contains links to applications you commonly use here at Howard University.
Learn how to reset your password by yourself without the need of IT.
Links and information to WRLC library services and Microsoft Teams
Learn more about the upcoming changes to workday student.
Links and information to different tools like Microsoft Teams, BisonWeb, and Blackboard Learn
Learn how to set up and troubleshoot your Multi Factor Authentication.
Dear Howard University Community, Following the launch of our IT Governance Council and its framework, we are excited to share a closer look at how this initiative is shaping the strategic management of IT resources across the University.
Category: ETS News, HU News
The Howard Enterprise Network has fully resumed normal operations. However, we are aware that some users may still be experiencing the ‘blue screen’ on their devices. This message is designed to provide you with steps you can take yourself before seeking assistance from the ETS IT Service Desk.
Category: ETS News
Dear Howard University Community, Enterprise Technology Services has launched its IT Governance Council framework. This significant step enhances our technology management and ensures close alignment of all projects with Howard University's strategic goals. What is an IT Governance Council? The IT Governance Council oversees, guides, and manages the University's IT projects to derive improved value from our investment in information technology.
Dear Howard University Community, We write to inform you about an upcoming change to our cybersecurity policy that will affect the self-service password reset (SSPR) and multifactor authentication (MFA) device registration processes. When will the change happen? Why is this change necessary? Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 5, 2024, ETS will enhance the self-service password reset (SSPR) portal by requiring two methods of authentication when initiating a self-started password reset.
Dear Howard Students, As previously announced, Howard University is transitioning from Google Suite to Microsoft 365 during the summer of 2024! All current, active Howard students, regardless of level, are in scope. New incoming students will already have Microsoft 365 access. This excludes graduating seniors and Alumni.
With this upcoming change, we aim to increase daily collaboration and communication between teachers and students, as users will be on the same platform – Microsoft. Below are some of the key benefits we have heard from faculty members during the Stakeholder Interviews: M365 minimizes the need to use personal emails or create new Google Accounts;