IT Governance Council

IT Governance Council Overview

The IT Governance Council consists of the leadership, organizational structures and processes that ensure the enterprise's IT sustains and extends the enterprise's strategies and objectives.

IT Governance Council Overview

IT Governance ensures that:

  • IT aligns with the outcomes required by the university for the successful realization of its mission. 
  • appropriate decision-making activities (prioritization and funding) are done in concert with the university’s strategic priorities.


  • Value delivery
  • Strategic alignment
  • Performance management
  • Resource management
  • Risk management
IT Governance Workflow updated

Cross-functional team members are essential for the IT Governance Council for several reasons:

  • Diverse Perspectives: Cross-functional teams bring together individuals from different departments, each with their own expertise and viewpoints.
  • Holistic Understanding:  IT governance decisions often have wide-ranging impacts across the organization. Cross-functional team members can provide insights into how proposed IT initiatives might affect various business units, processes, and stakeholders, helping the council make more informed decisions.
  • Alignment with Business Goals: By including representatives from different areas of the organization, the IT governance council can ensure that IT investments and initiatives align with broader business goals and priorities.
  • Enhanced Communication and Collaboration:  Involving cross-functional team members in the IT governance process promotes greater communication and collaboration across departments.

Having a cross-functional team on the council is crucial to ensuring that IT governance decisions are well-informed, aligned with business objectives, and considerate of the diverse needs and perspectives within the organization. Their inclusion helps promote transparency, accountability, and success in IT governance processes.