Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the IT Governance Council?

The council is responsible for overseeing and guiding the IT strategy of the organization. Its goal is to ensure that IT investments align with the organization's overall objectives and deliver value while managing risks and resources effectively. 

How often does the IT Governance Council meet?

The IT Council meets monthly.

What are the main responsibilities of the IT Governance Council?

  • Ensure the holistic alignment of IT resources 

  • Build campus-wide trust via collaboration, partnership, and communication 

  • Promote transparency and accountability across all facets of the IT Governance 

  • Foster an environment that exercises fiscal, human, and data stewardship 

  • Be gatekeepers for respective areas to ensure proper review and vetting of IT project requests 

What is the process for making decisions within the IT Governance Council?

Approval workflow 

  1.  An IT project request form is submitted to the IT Governance Council for review.  

  1. The IT Governance Council meets once a month to review and approve all project requests. Request is approved. 

  1. The request is then submitted to ETS. The ETS intake form is completed and submitted for review.  

  1. The form is reviewed by ETS to determine should it reside in the PMO, an individual ETS department, or the requesting department.  

If my project is turned down, how do I appeal the decision?

Review the feedback provided by the IT council.  If it requires changes, make the necessary changes and resubmit your request for further consideration. Your request will be reviewed at the next IT Council meeting. 

Who can or should enter an IT Governance Council request?

An IT Governance Council request should only be requested by a director or above.  However, a request may be made by an IT liaison or EA for example, on behalf of a director or VP. 

What happens after my request is approved by the IT Council?

Once your request is approved by the council, it is then sent to Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) for review.  They will review the IT requirements and determine if the project will be managed by the ETS PMO, an ETS department, or by the requesting organization. 

Should I secure my funding prior to enter an IT Council request?

Your project funding should be approved by your organizational VP or Director prior to it being submitted to the IT Governance Council.  

What happens if I don’t submit an IT Council form?

Your project request will be referred to the IT Governance Council for formal review.  

What is considered an IT project?

IT projects, short for Information Technology projects, refer to initiatives undertaken to develop, implement, or upgrade technological solutions within an organization. These projects typically involve the use of computer hardware, software, networks, and other IT resources to achieve specific goals.